Dog Training: What We Need To Know

One of the most common reasons people give up training their dogs is that they think they can’t provide the necessary consistency, repetition, and enforcement. But with a bit of preparation and patience, we may be able to hammer out some bad habits and teach our pup some new ones!

What is Dog Training?

Dog training is the process of teaching a dog to behave in the desired way. It can teach obedience, tricks, and even behavioral modification. Training typically requires patience and consistency on the trainer’s part, as well as a willingness to reinforce desired behaviors constantly.

Dogs are intelligent creatures and can learn a variety of behaviors with proper training. However, it’s important to note that not all dogs will respond to training similarly – some may be more difficult to train than others. And while there are many different training methods available, it’s essential to find one that works best for us and our dog.

If we’re thinking about starting to train our dog or have questions regarding specific training techniques, it’s a wise move to consult with a professional dog trainer, like those found at They usually possess the expertise to evaluate our unique situation and provide personalized guidance on the most effective approach to train our dog. Their insights can be invaluable in ensuring successful and humane dog training.

Why Train a Dog?

There are many reasons to train a dog. Dogs can be trained to perform tricks, obedience commands, and even simple tasks around the home. A well-trained dog is a joy to live with and can make our life much easier.

One of the most important reasons to train our dog is for safety. A properly trained dog will listen to us and follow our commands, even in difficult or dangerous situations. This can protect our family and us from harm and help our dog stay out of trouble. Additionally, it will also keep other people safe when you decide to take your pet out for walks. Sometimes, the friendliest of dogs can get agitated in public and end up attacking a stranger and injuring them. If that were to happen, those individuals could file a personal injury case against you with the help of Schuerger Shunnarah or similar professionals to compensate for their injuries and medical bills. Hence, it is important to train your dog well so they know how to behave in public.

Training also helps strengthen the bond between our dogs and us. As we work together on obedience exercises and tricks, we’ll get to know each other better and develop a deeper level of trust. This kind of relationship is gratifying and can make a living with a dog much more enjoyable.

Finally, training provides mental stimulation and physical exercise for our dogs, which are essential for their overall health and well-being. A bored or inactive dog is more likely to become destructive or develop behavior problems, so regular training sessions must keep them engaged and challenged.

How to Train a Dog

The best way to train is either through a professional dog training service like Adams K-9 Grand Rapids or by taking a lot of time and effort on your own. In any case, the first thing you need to know, then is that a dog is to use positive reinforcement. This means rewarding our dog for good behavior instead of punishing him for bad behavior. Dogs are much more likely to respond positively to rewards than to punishment.

We must keep the sessions short when we first start training our dog. Dogs have short attention spans and will quickly get bored or frustrated if they are made to do something for too long. It is also essential to be consistent with our commands and rewards.

If we only sometimes give our dog a treat when he obeys an order, he will soon learn that he doesn’t always have to listen to us. Here are some basic commands that all dogs should know:


Have our dog sit in front of us, then hold a treat close to his nose so he can smell it. Say “sit,” then gently push his bottom into a sitting position with our other hand. As soon as he is sitting, give him the treat and praise him enthusiastically.


Tell our dog to sit or lie down, then say, “stay.” Take a few steps away from him, then come back and give him a treat if he has stayed in the same spot. If he gets up before we return, say “no” and start again from the beginning.


Have a dog sit or stand before, then hold a treat close to the ground in front of his nose. Say “down,” then slowly lower the treat to the ground. As soon as he lies down, give him the treat and praise him.


Call our dog’s name and say “come” in a happy voice. As he comes forward, give him a treat. We can also use this command to get our dog to come to us from another room.

Leave It

This is a useful command for teaching a dog not to beg at the table or steal food from countertops. Put a treat in one hand and close the fist around it.

Let the dog sniff the hand and say, “leave it.” If he tries to take the treat, say “no” and close the hand tighter. After a few seconds, open the hand and give him the treat.

Tips for Dog Training

  • Start early and be consistent. The earlier we start training our dog, the better. Consistency is also crucial – if we’re inconsistent with our commands, rewards, and punishments, our dog will get confused and won’t learn as effectively.
  • Keep sessions short and sweet. Dogs have short attention spans, so keeping our training sessions short – 20 minutes or less is ideal. Otherwise, they’ll get bored, and we’ll both get frustrated.
  • Be patient. Training takes time and patience – don’t expect miracles overnight! If we get angry or frustrated with our dogs, it will only set back their progress.
  • Use positive reinforcement. Dogs respond best to positive reinforcement, so focus on rewarding good behavior rather than punishing bad behavior. Treats are a great way to do this but make sure to use them in moderation, or our dog may become overweight!
  • Be persistent. Like anything in life, success with dog training requires persistence and dedication. If we stick with it, we (and our dog) will see results!

When you would follow these steps religiously, you would surely have a well-trained and well-behaved dog. In case your busy schedule prevents you from committing time to your dog’s training, it is best to hire a professional dog trainer (probably similar to those found on Balanced Obedience). This way, you can have the confidence that your dog will still be trained properly.

Start Training Them Young

Whether we’re looking to train our dog for obedience, tricks, or to be well-behaved, there’s a lot we need to know. From choosing the proper training method to using positive reinforcement effectively, a lot goes into successful dog training. But don’t worry – with patience and perseverance, we’ll be able to train our dog in no time.

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