8 Must-Have Cat Toys

Every cat owner wants their feline friend to be as happy as can be. But between lazily napping the day away, begging for treats, and staring out the window, your cat can get bored. That’s where toys come in! But with so many options out there, how do you know which ones will delight your feline friend? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. 

In this blog, I’ll share my picks for the absolute best toys that will keep your cat active, engaged, and entertained for hours!

The Best Interactive Cat Toys

Feather toys

What cat can resist feathers fluttering through the air? Feather toys on a string or stick are the perfect toy for any cat. As you dangle and swish the feathers around, your cat will bat, pounce, and chase them around to their heart’s content. Feather toys also provide loads of exercise and bonding time with your cat.

Laser pointers

Laser pointers produce a bright red laser beam that cats love chasing and pouncing on. As you move the laser around the room, your cat will race after it, leaping and twisting to try and catch that elusive red dot. Laser play is ideal for cats that need extra activity and stimulation. But be sure to limit laser play to 10-15 minutes at a time to avoid frustrating your cat.

Puzzle feeders

Puzzle feeders and treat dispensers keep cats entertained by challenging them to work for a reward. Place your cat’s favorite treats or kibble into the puzzle and they have to paw and maneuver the pieces to get at the goodies inside. Puzzle feeders stimulate your cat both physically and mentally, providing hours of enjoyment and preventing boredom and behavioral issues.

Catnip toys

For most cats, catnip equals pure bliss. Toys filled with dried catnip will drive your cat wild. The catnip smell releases feel-good chemicals in your cat’s brain, giving them a sense of euphoria. Catnip toys provide entertainment and excitement for your feline. Be sure to store catnip toys in an airtight bag between uses to preserve the catnip scent.

Top Rated Cat Toys for Independent Playtime

Puzzle toys

Puzzle toys that dispense treats are always a hit. They keep cats engaged for hours trying to get the treats out. Some of the best are the Trixie Mad Scientist toy or the Outward Hound Fun Feeder. These work their brain and reward them – what’s not to love?

Scratching posts

Scratching is a natural instinct for cats, so a sturdy cat scratching post is essential. Look for a tall, vertical post that’s at least 3 feet high, like the SmartCat Ultimate Scratching Post. It’s tall enough for cats to fully stretch out and scratch. For the scratching pad, choose a natural material that’s rough in texture. This material is ideal for scratching and will keep them coming back.

Laser pointers

Laser pointers are endlessly entertaining for many cats. The simple red dot of light dashed across the floor or wall drives them into a chasing frenzy. Battery-powered laser pointers from PetSafe or Outward Hound are affordable and keep cats engaged in solo play or interactive play with their owners. Just be sure not to shine the laser directly at your cat.

Feather toys

Nothing is quite as fun to bat around as a feather toy for most cats. Toys like Da Bird and the Cat Dancer are irresistible to most felines. These long, flexible rods have feathers or other prey-like attachments on the end that cats can chase, pounce on and grab. Feather toys help satisfy a cat’s natural hunting instinct in a playful way.

Keep a variety of these independent play toys on hand to give your cat mental and physical stimulation when you’re not home or are too busy to play. Their amusement and your peace of mind will be well worth it.

FAQs: Answering Common Questions About Cat Toys

What kinds of toys do most cats enjoy?

Cats are natural hunters, so they love toys that stimulate their predatory instincts like feather toys, laser pointers, and catnip mice. Many cats also enjoy scratching posts, tunnels, and other toys that give them opportunities to scratch, pounce, and hide. Puzzle feeders that make cats work for a treat or their meal are also popular.

How often should I rotate my cat’s toys?

It’s a good idea to rotate your cat’s toys to keep things interesting. Put some toys away for a week or two and bring out different ones. This helps prevent boredom and keeps your cat engaged. Aim for rotating about 1/3 of your cat’s toys every week or so.

How can I get my cat to play with interactive toys when I’m not home?

To keep your cat entertained when you’re away, consider automated or puzzle toys that move and dispense treats on their own. Toys that move erratically like Hexbugs or laser pointers that turn on at timed intervals can keep curious cats engaged. Puzzle feeders and treat dispensing balls that make cats work for rewards are also good options. Place multiple interactive toys around the house so your cat has to hunt for them.

How do I choose safe toys for my cat?

Look for well-made toys specifically designed for cats that don’t have any loose or small parts that could be choking hazards. Avoid toys with strings, ribbons, or cords as these can be ingested. Soft, plush toys should have reinforced stitching and be machine washable.For kittens, stick with larger toys that can’t be easily swallowed, and always supervise playtime.

In the end, the best cat toys are the ones your cat enjoys playing with! Pay attention to the kinds of toys that spark your cat’s interest and keep a good variety on hand to keep them happy and stimulated.


So there you have it, a whole range of cat toys to make even the grumpiest cat happy. With interactive toys to get them moving, treats to keep them motivated, and comfy beds to help them relax, you now have all the intel you need to create a cat toy paradise. The most important thing is to find toys that work for your cat’s personality. And don’t forget to mix it up! Rotate different toys to keep your cat engaged and entertained.

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