The 7 Behaviors You Should Look For In A New Puppy

It can be tough to know what to look for when you first bring a new puppy home, but by following these tips, you’ll be on your way to raising a well-adjusted pup in no time! In this post, we’ll outline the seven behaviors that you should keep an eye out for when you first meet a new pup. From potty training to socialization, these are essential skills that every puppy needs to learn.

1. Response to Noise

Puppies are curious and eager to explore their surroundings. This means that they may be more reactive to noise than people expect. Here are some behaviors to look for in a new puppy: 

  • When a noise startles the puppy, it will reflexively yelp or bark.
  • If the noise is repeated often enough, the puppy may begin to associate it with something bad, such as an intruder or scary environment.
  • If the noise is continuous or loud enough, the puppy may become agitated and refuse to nap or sleep.

2. Ability to Solve Problems

If you’re looking for a puppy that can solve problems, you’ll want to be sure to check out the behaviors listed below.

Puppies that can solve problems are typically active and motivated. They’re also usually quick thinkers and good at problem-solving. When they’re presented with a new task, they generally take initiative and get moving on it.

Some signs that a puppy can solve problems include:

  • being very curious and always trying to figure something out
  • being very active and constantly moving around
  • being very motivated and wanting to learn new things

3. Handling Sensitivity

If you are considering getting a new puppy, be aware of the behaviors that will indicate a puppy is sensitive. This can make your decision much easier in terms of which pup to adopt. Some common behaviors that may signal sensitivity include: 

  • Pulling away when touched or petted
  • Shyness or fearfulness around people, other animals, or new environments
  • Repeating fixes or behaviors such as chewing on one’s own hands excessively
  • High energy and constant activity, even when calm

If any of these behaviors are exhibited by your potential pup, be sure to take them into account when making your decision. By understanding the signs of sensitivity, you can get a better idea of what kind of environment will be most comfortable for the pup and how best to provide it.

4. Dominance

A puppy’s dominance can be a matter of life or death in the early stages of its development. Properly socializing your puppy from an early age will help it learn to establish dominance over other pets and people, so that it can have a harmonious relationship from the start. Here are some behaviors you should look for in a new puppy:

  • Is the puppy assertive and confident? A dominant pup is generally confident and assertive, and will not back down from anyone or anything. It will stand up for itself, and may even show aggression if it feels threatened.
  • Is the pup gentle and nonviolent? Dominant puppies are usually gentle-natured, preferring to avoid conflict where possible. If they do become involved in an altercation, they will usually use their size and strength to win rather than resort to violence.

5. Trainability

When purchasing a new puppy, it is important to be able to identify those behaviors that are trainable. This can include things like obedience training, housebreaking, and basic manners. Here are some general behaviors that puppies should exhibit:

  • Puppies should be eager to please their owners, display a good attitude, and be willing to do what they’re asked without hesitation.
  • Puppies should have good social skills. They should be able to get along well with other animals and people, and show no signs of aggression or fear.

6. Confidence

If you’re looking for a puppy that is confident and assertive, here are some behaviors to look for.

  • Active: Puppies that are active and playful will be more confident and outgoing. They’ll also be less likely to be shy or introverted, making them easier to socialize with other dogs and people.
  • Intelligent: Intelligent pups are often more confident because they know they have brains and can use them to their advantage. They’ll also be more independent, preferring not to rely on others too much.
  • Self-Reliant: Self-reliant puppies know they don’t need anyone else to take care of them; they can take care of themselves. This confidence leads to fewer behavioral issues down the road and makes them happier companions overall.

7. Independence

When you are looking for a new puppy, there are a few behaviors that you should look for. These include being independent, being playful, and being active. A puppy that is independent will be able to take care of itself and not require constant attention from its owner. They will also be playful, which means they will enjoy playing with their owner and other family members. An active puppy will be constantly moving around and is not content to sit around all day long.

As you search for your new puppy, it is important to be aware of the seven behaviors that will indicate that this furry friend is a good fit for you and your home. By observing these signs, you can avoid making any bad decisions about who to bring into your family and live happily ever after.

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